Initially, this project started as a team work aimed at doing research. As we went deeper into our research, we identified different areas where there was potential to implement a service and eventually the aim of the project was to undertake individual projects.

My particular project was to examine the dynamics of the university library space and come up with different concepts and ideas for introducing a innovative service. My main objective in the HSLU university libraries has been to optimise the use of available space.

Through extensive research, both collaboratively and independently, I have gained valuable insights into possible design solutions and interventions that can improve the overall environment and improve the learning experience for all library users.

After conducting research as a group through questionnaires, interviews, and additional investigations, we consolidated all the gathered information. In my specific area of focus, which is "spaces," I identified five prominent sub-themes that caught my attention. However, I reduced them to three main ones as I believed it would be beneficial to work with these three sub-themes in order to develop an intervention.
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